Please read and understand this document before signing. If you have any questions please ask us or consult an attorney!
Heartland Archery LIMITED has done everything possible to assure that our customers have a rewarding paddling experience. We wish to inform our guests and their family and friends that Paddling is not risk free. The same elements that contribute to the unique character and fun of paddling, such as the physical exertion, personal decisions, natural hazards or even Mother Nature, can cause loss or damage to equipment, injury, illness, or in extreme cases, permanent trauma or death. These hazards include overhead tree limbs, bridge abutments, rope entanglement, capsized canoes, entrapment, insects, and noxious plants such as poison ivy, accident situations, extreme weather, hypothermia, broken glass. Rescue may be delayed by the inherent difficulty with communications.
All customers should inspect all items prior to use in order to determine if they are in a safe condition of repair and are water worthy.
All customers agree to return them in the same general condition. They understand that they are financially liable for lost, stolen, or damaged rental equipment belonging to Heartland Archery Limited. The signer will remain responsible for all rented items until they are inventoried and received back by an agent of Heartland archery limited.
We do not want to heighten or reduce your enthusiasm for the experience, but we do want you to know in advance what to expect, and to be informed of some of the possible risks. We ask that you read this document carefully and sign it only if its implications are fully understood.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Heartland Archery Limited, their agents and employees from all claims, damages, losses, injuries and expenses arising out of, or resulting from participation in boating activities. I further agree to release, acquit and covenant not to sue Heartland Archery Limited, their agents and employees for all actions, causes of action, claims or damages, including the negligence of Heartland Archery Limited or my family, myself, or my heirs, against Heartland Archery Limited arising out of participation in this program. In short, we agree not to sue Heartland Archery Limited.
I certify that my family, including minor children and myself, are fully capable of participating in paddling. I state that I have read the above statement regarding some of the possible risks in this activity. Therefore, I assume full responsibility for myself, my family, including minor children, guests, or visitors for bodily injury, death, loss of personal property and any expenses as a result of my negligence, negligence of my family, or the negligence of Heartland Archery Limited.
ALL participants are in good physical condition and able to undertake this activity.
As liquidated damages, I hereby agree that if Heartland Archery Limited is forced to defend any action, lawsuit or litigation by myself, my executors, or my heirs, on my family’s or my behalf, my heirs or executors and I agree to pay Heartland Archery Limited costs, attorney feesif they successfully defend such action, lawsuit or litigation. Should any paragraph or part of this agreement be declared enforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining parts or paragraphs shall remain in full force and effect.
I, of my own free will, for my family, my minor children, my heirs, executors, guests and myself, have read, understand and acknowledge the risks and liability for myself, and my family this